Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Red Scare Probs

How did the differences in ideologies and the fear of rising communism lead to the Red Scare? Well, the United States is not known for being scared of what others are going to do to them. The United States has always been known for being the ones to scare others. We also have always been against communistic countries for as long as we have existed. But I believe that our government had a big part in forcing fear into the American people. Our president for one, made people in the government take loyalty tests to see if they were loyal to the U.S and not to the communists. If they didn’t take these tests, they would be prosecuted and put in jail. How can you be comfortable and not scared, if your government officials cannot trust other officials? This truly freaked out the American people. This did nothing to raise moral of people in the U.S, and did nothing to help find a solution to the end of a war.

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