Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Red Scare Probs

How did the differences in ideologies and the fear of rising communism lead to the Red Scare? Well, the United States is not known for being scared of what others are going to do to them. The United States has always been known for being the ones to scare others. We also have always been against communistic countries for as long as we have existed. But I believe that our government had a big part in forcing fear into the American people. Our president for one, made people in the government take loyalty tests to see if they were loyal to the U.S and not to the communists. If they didn’t take these tests, they would be prosecuted and put in jail. How can you be comfortable and not scared, if your government officials cannot trust other officials? This truly freaked out the American people. This did nothing to raise moral of people in the U.S, and did nothing to help find a solution to the end of a war.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Korean War Probs

How did the United States get involved in the Korean War, or sometimes called the forgotten war? It all starts with the difference of ideologies between the United States and all the other communistic countries. The Unites States is not quite as pushy when it comes to war, but we still try to be the world’s police, whereas the Soviet Union is more pushing towards war, and more aggressive. Now Korea was split into two countries, North and South Korea. North Korea was communistic just like the Soviet Union, and South Korea was more like the United States. Now the whole world had an idea that North Korea had a plan to take over South Korea, and they were right. The United States’ policy that says that they will help out any nation that has communism being forced upon them, and or if they can’t help themselves. So naturally, being the “world police” the U.S just had to step in and take part in the Korean War.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

US vs Soviet Russia

The United States and the Soviet Union can be very different in ways of their agriculture and the way they practice their methods of agriculture. For instance, the United States has a capitalistic economy; whereas the Soviet Union has a communist economy. In the United States, the government has to regulate people just to make sure that things don’t get out of control, but the people basically get to make their own decisions and get to keep the profit that they worked for that year.

Now in the Soviet Union, the government owns everything. In simpler terms, that means that if you have a single dairy cow, and you take care of this cow and milk the cow every day for a year, the only thing that you basically get out it is that you feel good that you took such good care of that cow, because the government is taking every last drop of milk that you had received from that cow. But as you could imagine, people weren’t very happy with this method, so the Soviet Union’s production rates dropped instead of rising like they hoped it would. But production in America rose extremely, mainly because people were happy with how the government was running things.

So what I’m trying to say is that if you want your production rates to rise and overall citizen moral to stay high, give them something to work for. Don’t just make them work hard their entire lives, and only receive a small amount of money to live off of. Give a man who’s worked hard his whole life something to be proud about!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dr. Josef Mengele and Dr. Shiro Ishii

Who exactly were Dr. Josef Mengele and Dr. Shiro Ishii? Why aren’t their names heard of all that much? Why is it that these men almost go unknown in some textbooks that we learn from this day and age? Well, let me tell you this, these men may be the most sadistic people during World War II. Let’s start with probably the more well known of the two, Dr. Joseph Mengele.

                Dr. Josef Mengele, also known as “the angel of death”, was a German Schutzstaffel guard and doctor at Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. He entered the Nazi Party in 1937 and went to the SS in 1938. In 1942 he was wounded in battle and was said to be unfit for war. So he then volunteered to be sent to a concentration camp in Auschwitz Germany. Here he became the last surviving symbol of Adolph Hitler’s “Final Solution”. Dr. Mengele was fascinated with his experiments that he performed on identical twins. When the trains would unload, the prisoners would be forced to stand in line and Dr. Josef would walk the lines looking for twins or any other people with hereditary disfigurements. When a pair of twins was found, he’d take them to be processed. They would be led to a shower room and were given special care and treated better than others because Mengele considered them to be his “children” from that moment on. After they would shower, they were then given a special number to be tattooed on them, and then sent to the twin’s barracks. Each morning Mengele would come in and inspect the children, but to the children, Mengele was a good man. He would come in with his pockets full of candy; he would talk to them, and even sometimes play with them. Almost every day, they would have blood drawn, often in large quantities. They would then be taken to laboratories and have things injected into them, or would have their bodies experimented on. They would have chemicals injected into their eyes to change the eye color, would have mass blood transfusions between twins, they would have organs switched, and body parts amputated. If one twin were to die, the other would be killed shortly after.

Surgeon General Dr. Shiro Ishii was a Japanese medical officer during WWII and was involved in Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Japanese army. He was also known for his frequent lethal human experiments. When countries would start experimenting with biological weapons, they would try to be somewhat ethical about it and test these things out on animals.  But not, Shiro Ishii; this man had no cares about the humans that he tested on. He would unleash some of the deadliest pathogens in history on humans, and study the results of what was left of the people. He would forcibly make people become his little guinea pigs. He would make then breathe, eat, and take injections of deadly diseases and pathogens. He would often have the people killed before the disease would take its effect on the humans so that he could examine their body’s reaction to it. In 1945, Unit 731 was forced to be shut down, and because of it being shut down, the Japanese destroyed many of the records so that no one could know much of what happened.

So as you can tell, these men were horrible people.  But you tell me why we don’t hear as much about these two men as we should. I feel that these two men did worse things than that of what Hitler did. I also feel that the reason why more Germans were sentenced to jail or death than that of Japanese is because I feel that the Japanese did everything in their power to cover their tracks, and destroy any evidence that they could. I also feel that the Japanese worked behind the scenes. While the Germans attracted all the attention, the Japanese felt that they could get away with just about anything they wanted.

I believe that what both the Germans and Japanese did during the holocaust were wrong. But I feel that what the Japanese were doing almost goes un-noticed.  Things such as the Rape of Nanking, need to be brought out more in textbooks and in history lessons. And I would like to know why is it that things like that isn’t taught or learned as often as they should be. These tragic events are major parts of our world’s history, and they need to be more commonly well known.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The morning of June 28th, 1914 the archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife had survived an attempted assassination attack. A bomb was thrown at the vehicle they were in and it bounced off the car before it exploded. The bomb exploded after it bounced off the car and it injured two officers in a different car. The archduke was unfazed by the attack and later attended a ceremony, and also visited the injured soldiers in the hospital. A man by the name Gravrillo Princip, a second assassin, was only nineteen years old, and he had no idea what his actions would cause. The boy took out a pistol and shot the archduke multiple times. The first shot had hit his wife in the stomach area, and she was dead on the spot. The second bullet hit the archduke very close to the heart. He died a slow painful death.

Due to the assassination of the archduke, people called for a great war, later known as World War 1. But the assassination was not the main reason for the calling of the war, because there were many other reasons that existed before 1914. Some of the causes included imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and a bunch of messed up alliances.


The Americans had seen that the world was going to into a war and they took the news with alarm. Most Americans opposed to the central powers. Many Americans had traced their roots to Europe. These people had hoped that their country roots would soon be destroyed. For that reason, they favored the alliances over the central powers.