Sunday, December 7, 2014

University Of North Carolina Cheating Scandal

Do you think that college athletes deserve to get special treatment? Do you think that college athletes deserve to get paid? Do you think they should be able to take phony classes just to get an easy A and have a high grade point average so that they can be eligible to play in their college’s game? Well apparently the University Of North Carolina thinks so. A report given to CNN uncovers an 18 year fraud of academics that had allowed their athletes to take fake classes to stay eligible to play. Over these 18 years, over thirty-one hundred students took these so called fake classes. The worst part about it is that the athletic advisors of these student athletes enrolled them into the classes. The media and other college personal had thought it was odd that these athletes had such perfect grades for so many years. And then started an eight month investigation. This investigation has been harassing the college for over 5 years. (

( In October of this year is when this scandal took off nationally. the man responsible, well his name is Kenneth Weinstein. Who is Kenneth Weinstein? well he is currently a lawyer but he was earlier the assistant attorney general for the united states. so whatever this man says, should be extremely credible. Ken had combined a team of experts around the UCLA campus area to help him investigate. he and his team searched through over a million e-mails, and records and later reviewed over 150 papers that students had wrote.

( Chancellor Carol Folt said in a press conference, "Was this an academic or an athletic issue? Clearly it was an issue in both areas. It was a university issue. They trusted us with their education, and they took these courses and they deserved so much better." for the first time ever, Folt had finally said that these activities had been directly related to the college's staff and athletes. Folt had then later resigned to escape the media and pressure.
So tell me was this a fault of the college academics, or the college athletics. To me this is a fault of everyone at the university. I’m not saying that the college should have to suffer any suspensions and or firing of staff, but the just need to realize that they made a mistake. A mistake that lasted 18 years, and then they need to try and fix what they have allowed to happen


  1. I believe what they are doing is completely wrong. The athletes themselves need to know that they are going to college for school not all athletics. Of course their will be some of them that go through and might want to take easier classes but that doesn't mean its right. They are going there for an education not just to bounce their way through easy college and then go play professionally. Say Sally is going to school to be a doctor and she is working hard and doing all she can do to maintain a B average, then you have Mr. Basketball himself walk in and he devotes his time and effort to the game and he is extremely good at it but in order to play he gets easy A classes. I see this as unfair to Sally due to how hard she has to work to maintain her B, I'm glad that the college is deciding to do something about this because it is not right.

  2. I bet the majority of schools with major college sports probably have some of these "fake" classes. I agree with what Brady said.

  3. I did never hear about "fake" classes before. It shocked me, how sometimes they give more important to the sports than the fact you are going to college. I really liked it! :D
