Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My class has recently watched the movie “Bowling for Columbine.” In this movie, a man by the name of Michael Moore portrays his views about this country’s gun control laws, and the tragic shootings that have happened in the United States. I believe that the laws that the government towards the rights to guns are necessary to be able to stay safe, but the government could take action towards making more reasonable, safe and but yet more strict gun rights and laws. says that more than a third of Americans own at least 1 gun. It then states that there is anywhere between 270million-310million guns in the United States. You know what that means? That means that it is so easy to get a gun or multiple guns here in the states! Granted that you must be 18 and have to have a background check, but that still doesn’t make it any harder to get a gun! Out of those 270-320 million guns, not all of them may be automatics, or semi-automatics., but each and every gun is lethal in the wrong hands. And those are the key words, “In the wrong hands”.

Do guns kill people or do people kill people? If you have a gun lying on a table, aimed right at a person, and there is nothing on the table, and there is no one else in the room, there is no possible way that that gun can go off and shoot that person. There must be some type of force to pull back on, or push the trigger, and make the gun go off. I understand where there are accidents where a gun does go off unexpectedly, but it still takes some force on the trigger to activate it.

Earlier in the year, President Obama signed 23 gun safety executive orders. What is an executive order you may ask? An executive order is defined as “a president’s power to issue orders which come from the congress and the U.S. Constitution” says Legal

I believe that Obama is trying all he can to make it as safe as possible, but I don’t believe that getting rid of guns completely will work. First of all, if he gets rid of guns, the people that actually want to use guns for bad, will get their hands on a gun someway somehow. Second, if Obama gets rid of all the guns, how are people supposed to hunt wildlife, and or kill livestock to actually have food to eat. I think there are ways to keep things as safe as possible but still be able to own guns and use them responsibly.

The second amendment protects my right as a citizen of the United States, the right to bear arms. I’m not about to give that right up.